Let’s get started: BIRD PROJECT.

“BIRD PROJECT” is my art work, engrave shapes of birds on Life in the world.
A bird is a symbol my thought, my love, my hope and my true beauty.

Goal of the work is 2032. It’s a BIG PROJECT for the future.
I’m planning to mark the my symbol: BIRD on ALL the people living In the future.
Please join the project!!

その様子を写真に撮って送ってもらえば、名前とプロフィールなどとともに(任意)、このBIRD PROJECTウェブサイトで公開します。


人の肌に鳥のマークを刻むことは、 私のアートへの思いや信念や生き方を、


“BIRD PROJECT” Back story

Let’s get started: BIRD PROJECT.
I send you temporary Body Tattoo Stickers. You apply it on your skin and go out to your favorite place. And send me photo or movie data describing that moment then I introduce you as BIRD PROJECT PARTICIPANTS on the website and the movies.


“BIRD PROJECT” is an art project, engrave shapes of birds on Life in the world.
A bird is a symbol my thought, my love, my hope and my true beauty.

Goal of the work is 2032. It’s a BIG PROJECT for the future.
I’m planning to mark the my symbol: BIRD on ALL the people living In the future.

“BIRD PROJECT” Back story
You get a video letter from a girl, she lives in the Future, 2032. In order for her to say, The life and people in 2032 is not different much from the now, 2013. In the video letter, the atomosphere of the town and the life of the people is anything did not have change seemingly. She tell you what the technical innovation which human beings have so far pushed was stop.… “In 2032, as it is, people are living every day peacefully in its own way.” She walks along a town while speaking to you. “Well, only one will have changed. I don’t know why, but a bird must be marked on our body. I often see the marks of bird be on the wall or something on the street. The reason is not known. ”
